1. Daimonos
[Music and lyrics by Nergal]
"We must never be afraid to go too far, for truth lies beyond." [Marcel Proust]
Honour me!
Chaldean priests
Bow to me, in adoration
Prophets ov the boundless joy
Sanctify the sin ov indulgence
We worship the sun
We worship the moon
Spreading like rats
Exalted above the stars ov god
All hail slain and risen god!
All hail Dionysus!
"Come, blessed Dionysius, various nam'd, bull-fac'd
Begot from Thunder, Bacchus fam'd
Bassarian God, of universal might
Whom swords, and blood, and sacred rage delight"
War be sustained!
My godless phoenix rise
Ne'er to lifeless shall I submit
Offering solely the sword not peace
Mercy and cowardice extinct within
We worship the sun
We worship the moon
Spreading like rats
Exalted above the stars ov god
All hail slain and risen god!
All hail Dionysus!
2. Shemaforash
[Music and lyrics by Nergal]
"What we need is hatred. From it our ideas are born." [Jean Genet]
Consumed by tongues ov fire
Burning like Phlegethon
Holy gardens reduced to ash
Extinguishing light ov hope
Bringing the end ov the days
Words ov my gospel scattered
Sacrilegious scorn spat in pale creeds
Thin is the line between pure being and pure nothing
My sole companion
Woe to Thee!
At my command:
Let the blood ov the infants flood the streets ov Bethlehem!
O ye ov little faith
With ethics rotten in a moral cage
Dead meat thrown down to the worms
To feed religious tumor
Corrupting marrow ov repugnant swirl
At my command:
Let the blood ov the infants flood the streets ov Bethlehem!
At my command:
Let the heads ov Samaritan pave my ways!
3. Ov Fire And The Void
[Music and lyrics by Nergal]
"The divine is God's concern; the human, man's. My concern is neither the divine nor the human, not the true, good, just, free, etc., but solely what is mine, and it is not a general one, but is -- unique, as I am unique. Nothing is more to me than myself!" [Max Stirner]
I the Sun ov man
The offspring ov the stellar race
My halo fallen and crushed upon the earth
That I may bring balance to this world
I son ov perdition
From sheer nothingness transgressed
Unto the highest self -- to utmost freedom
To explore the starry nature ov my rage
I pulse ov existence
The law ov nature undenied
I hold the torch ov Heraclitus
So I can shake the earth and move the suns
I divine Iconoclast
Injecting chaos into my veins
With life accepted
With pain resurrected
Is the embrace ov god in man profound
The joy ov a dawn
The ecstasy ov dusk
Nourished have I this karmic flow
Where great above meets great below
Let it be written!
Let it be done!
Scattered I walk towards the fractured light
4. Transmigrating Beyond Realms Ov Amenti
[Music by Nergal; lyrics by Krzysztof Azarewicz]
"Paint me as a dead soul ...
The flesh, the image, the reflection
Let's complete the illusion"
[John Balance]
There is a flame untamed
Deep in my heart
Unyielding, pure Ain Soph
'tis measureless
Our right divine:
Aspire to all horizons
To seek nature ov things
Retreat within yourself
To find the primal breath
Slaves ov the dead gods
Martyrs ov the falsehood
Your life is death now
Engulfed by the wake ov a million years
Welcome to Amenti
To perceive means to know
To possess means to deny
In the catacombs ov life
Concealed within deaths vaults
Pure vibration lies
Travel to the house ov empty words
Am-Heh! devour their hearts!
Slaves ov the dead gods
Martyrs ov the falsehood
Your life is death now
Engulfed by the wake ov a million years
Welcome to Amenti
Jerusalem is falling!
Falling! falling!
Jerusalem is falling!
Yerushalaim nehereset!
5. He Who Breeds Pestilence
[Music and lyrics by Nergal]
"God is absence. God is the solitude of man." [Jean-Paul Sartre]
Inflict the seed ov Eve upon me
The heritage ov Cain can't be undone
'tis my rejection! 'tis my denial!
That stirs with repulsive mortifications
They attempted to deprive me from my odium ov chaos
They threw my wretched body into rivers ov purgatory
For such is a consequence ov my angelic nature
Abortion ov god in my leprous womb
Soiled with the miasma ov the bleakest hemisphere
The formless fires ov Amenti unfold
Not nearly as frenzy as discordia that breeds within
Not nearly as frenzy as disorder that I bring
Universe is drained
So is my heart...
...this earth grew weary and dull
Is it the renaissance ov my rigid existence?
Is there a future for me beyond the stars?
I drink to desolation
I drink to your demise
Monarch ov neglected kingdom
Oh great despiser ov life
Et credo in serpentem
Misterium mysteriorum
In nomen eius Baphomet
Hearken! my Ophities
Consume the flesh and drink the blood
Obtain communion with utmost disgrace
Reject the benefits ov eucharist
Disdain the lie!
Let you senses sharpen
Let your eyes see in the boundless dark
Resist not radiant light
Be like comets slashing through the vast skies
Be like ravening wolves
Unchaining hearts
Now drink to desolation
Drink to god's demise
Monarch ov neglected kingdom
Oh great despiser ov life
O leo et o serpens
Qui perditor perdes
Sis valens nobiscum
6. The Seed Ov I
[Music by Nergal; lyrics by Nergal and Krzysztof Azarewicz]
From the top ov the highest mountain
Prior to descent, my fall for Thee
My weapon is silence
I, bringer ov light to burn this goddamn Eden down!
Behold! I rise from primal silence
As a storm crushing dismal shores ov Acheron
My weapon is violence
From the mud ov the earth
Back to the womb ov Babalon!
Sink in the stream ov woe
Rise above the eyes ov god
I am the oracle
I am the grace ov god
I am the stream ov woe
I am wrath from above
From Neptunian realm arisen
Babylon the great I praised
With the voice ov silence
I called the genii ov the heights and depths
I came down as raging Mars
As volcanic fire god
Totality and I are one
In the absence ov light
Infinite I shall become
Sink in the stream ov woe
Rise above the eyes ov god
7. Alas, Lord Is Upon Me
[Music and lyrics by Nergal]
"Let them hate me, so that they will but fear me." [Caligula]
"Those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them
Bring them here and kill them in front of me"
[Jesus, (Luke 19:27)]
Behold! As Rome burns so do I...
'tis not the last empire to crumble
I bore witness to rise and fall ov tribes ov Adonai
And fallen short ov a glory ov god
Lord ov hosts
Whore ov salvation
Tear the skies as you spread your legs
Vomit forth upon my head
All afflictions and abominations known to man
8. Defiling Morality Ov Black God
[Music by Nergal; lyrics by Krzysztof Azarewicz and Nergal]
"I am God, and all other gods are my imagery. I gave birth to myself. I am millions of forms excreating; eternal; and nothing exists except through me; yet I am not them - they serve me."
[Austin Osman Spare]
Grant me profane kiss
Oh Isis mother ov all
Thy lips like morphine
Teasing my slumbering heart
Release me!
This cosmos is way to small
Come down on earth, evangelize!
Ravishing muse
Abduct my spirit
And bury my will
In spacious beyond
That human thought can never reach
Alight upon the earth
And consecrate my engines ov life!
And so I chant that triumph ov might
Trampling kingdoms ov conscience
I, the archangel ov wrath
With one word, the unholy sword
I overmastered every image ov god
I come in splendor and golden glory
Seeking war trophies
And sacred spoils
To purify this heart ov mine
To cast away rotten rood
Defile morality ov the blind god
Defiling morality ov black god
9. Lucifer
[Music by Nergal; poem by Tadeusz Micinski]
"I love you! I love you more than Jesus!" [Lucifer, The Prophecy]
Jam ciemny jest wśród wichrów płomień boży,
Lecący z jękiem w dal -- jak głuchy dzwon północy --
Ja w mrokach gór zapalam czerwień zorzy
Iskrą mych bólów, gwiazdą mej bezmocy.
Ja komet król -- a duch się we mnie wichrzy
Jak pył pustyni w zwiewną piramidę --
Ja piorun burz -- a od grobowca cichszy
Mogił swych kryję trupiość i ohydę.
Ja -- otchłań tęcz -- a płakałbym nad sobą
Jak zimny wiatr na zwiędłych stawu trzcinach --
Jam błysk wulkanów -- a w błotnych nizinach
Idę, jak pogrzeb, z nudą i żałobą.
Na harfach morze gra -- kłębi się rajów pożoga --
I słońce -- mój wróg słońce! wschodzi wielbiąc Boga.
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