Selasa, 24 April 2012


1. Sculpting The Throne Ov Seth

[music and lyrics by Nergal; opening acoustic theme by Seth]

come forth!
from the void beyond the stars
from the blackened shores Thee arrive
Thou art ov gods
yet supreme above them all
Thou art mocked and blessed

speak ov me not as one
speak ov me not as none
speak ov me not at all
for I am continual

crowned and conquering child
cast aside the prophets and false gods ov Thy ways
from the outer space
when TONUAL cross NAGUAL
beyond becoming, Thou hast become...

speak ov me not as one
speak ov me not as none
speak ov me not at all
for I am continual

let me reign as a god among slaves!

spirit clad in gold
Seraphs incarnate
shake loose the shackles ov a million years
children ov Seth
blast wide the portals
unveil the raptures
ov Thy kingdom

speak ov me not as one
speak ov me not as none
speak ov me not at all
for I am continual

let me reign as a god among slaves!

Io Khepesh!
Io Nubti!
Io Akhakh!
Io Simai!

[lead: Nergal]
[lead: Seth]

["Sculpting the Throne ov Seth" is a warlike manifesto. to make its message straight and clear: there are no gods but ourselves. there is more land to be conquered. there are more kingdoms to be ruled. need I say more? I guess not... it's pretty much all I am about these days. no compromise and no surrender I say.]

2. Demigod

[music and lyrics by Nergal]

behold! children ov Cain
all beings not ov reptilian form
be upon them!
spare none! mercy cast aside!
those who feareth not my sacred blade
shall be blessed

repent not!
Thou art man
god is no more
rise now above the weakness ov flesh
come forth! join ye the arsenals ov blasphemy
follow the One
who spurred Roman warring legions

rise up! o power from sea below all seas
awake from everlasting dream!
spirits ov abomination
formless Thou hath appeared before me
I am before all things

chthonic gods! those from beyond the stars
commander ov hosts devour the flesh ov man
may their weapons melt like wax
may their tongues be torn apart
may Apophis grind their bones
may their ashes be scattered all around...

[lead: Nergal]

hear me! o vermin!
how couldst Thou fall so low?
redemption thru denial
restriction becomes a sin
mankind! so pure...
castrate Thy impotent god
vomit forth the blasphemy
and forever shalt Thee win

[oh, how many times I have tried to express my deep inner gate and disgust towards everything that's so stagnated and one dimensional. so I had to create Demigod. being that expresses the most expansive and uncompromising virtues and instincts. I choose chose to take as my own: individuality, life affirmation, ambition, determination and vitality. musically it's just pure stream ov energy, and every time I listen to the opening theme I see the berserking, frienzied, undefeated Roman legions.]

["What is good? - everything augments the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself, in man. What is evil? - whatever springs from weakness. What is happiness? - the feeling that power increases - that resistance is overcome." -Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist]

3. Conquer All

[music and lyrics by Nergal]

Mightiest Self!
cast out ov Thy Elysium
with blood ov nazarene
I write the story ov man
2000 years is nothing
thought it has been enough
come forth victorious
muting the foul angelic choirs!

none ov thy empty gods, shall ever stand above me
none ov thy weak brothers, shalt ever share my blood
my awareness, catalyst, ov godhate I have spawned
in sinister ecstasy eternally I decompose

race ov man!
the errors ov a wise make Thy rules
ye shall see
rather than the perfection ov the fool
the most divine!
I am many! among so very few
beyond redemption, beyond the weak
thus I beheld the truth!

none ov thy empty gods, shall ever stand above me
none ov thy weak brothers, shalt ever share my blood
my awareness, catalyst, ov godhate I have spawned
in sinister ecstasy eternally I'm decomposed

[lead: Nergal]

I am the pure flame that burns
I am (ever shining) Sirius son
I am the infinite space
I am the most conquering One

[Crowley said "I will give you a war-engine. With it ye shall smite the peoples; and none shall stand before you. (...) Conquer! That is enough." and with "Conquer All" I try to extend the meaning ov these mighty words. these lyrics are about life offering me so many opportunities which are at hand. my passions and determination are unbreakable. unrestrained will has brought me to this path I walk. it's the whole world... it's the whole universe I wish to conquer. it's all or nothing. my music and words I speak are unlimited. I see no boundaries for true art. here and now. here and beyond.]

4. The Nephilim Rising

[music by Nergal; lyrics by Krzysztof Azarewicz; acoustic outro by Seth]

I'm burning like a fucking fire
Mysterious Domain, Murdered Apprehension
Shemyaza, Lacifarus - glow like the Sun
in this final hour
ov Dawn ov the Dusk
I, heart ov all chthonic hearts
vulture eye, fallen one, proclaim:

this great world
is a mirror ov my small self:
striving for infinity, shall I remain?

we cannot kill the time:
it is the time that kills us
and I'm the answer on my questions
and blood ov my hopes and all prayers -
mark the sunset, the last judgment -
and my rainment... -
this is the night, just black damn'd night

as dethroned so enthroned, attracted... rejected...
in this totality is perfection ov Me in Thee
freedom ov Nature, delight ov Existence
so intoxicate me as I intoxicateth thee
slay me as I created thee
when reality is nothing more
than quantum vortex deep sleep
make it lucid dream
or hallucinate if you please
in exaltations ov All, One, None
there Is No Difference
we are the First and we are the Last
Io Pan!

[lead: Nergal]
[acoustic lead: Nergal]

[on one level ov interpretations these lyrics deal with the nephilim mythos. but there are other meanings which are more subtle and concealed between its verses, these refer to modern history and my personal experiences ov time and space. basically the idea behind this poem is that no one can easily say that some things are "above" or "below" others. who can judge this? history, human evolution, universe and existence itself is something more than a vertical line connecting human with divine. take for example Agrippa's "Three Books of Occult Philosophy": if we look closely at talismans symbolising micro- and macrocosm we will see clear similarities between them and the fact that they aren't connected vertically but more horizontally so to speak. now, everything is clear and right before our eyes...]

5. Towards Babylon

[music and lyrics by Nergal]

eternally Thy powers rage within
I am reborn
in the burning flames ov Sodom
by the powers ov the gods
awaken the mighty Will
that shalt carry me through eternities
Faceless One!
avenge my torment
materialise my utmost Will
beyond all legends and myths
Thou art the emmissary ov the beast
thwart the realm above
spawning might below

[backgroud lead: Nergal]

"Give us the flesh"!
"Give us the will" I command!
Dumuzi Lord
godhead immaculate!
Thou art the sun
toward the light feel no shame
Ia Asag!
forever Thou shalt remain

in victory I burn
masacrate the enemy
in battle that I hath already won
Thee I invoke
brothers ov Ariman's seed
Thou hast aroused all beings in me
come All in One
stronger than death Thou hast become
revert my death
hail to my return
tis time to reign as a god among man

[background lead: Nergal]

"Give us the flesh"!
"Give us the will" I command!
Dumuzi Lord
godhead immaculate!
Thou art the sun
toward the light feel no shame
Ia Asag!
forever Thou shalt remain

[lead: Nergal]
[lead: Seth]

o resplendant flame
begotten ov beyond
may I coruscate eternally
gods ov all perfection
I command - come forth!
in company ov Ur
all doubts and fears eclipsed

[once again the Elder Gods accompany me in yet another one ov life's journeys. the Ancient Ones have always been present in my life. my gods are equal to my tools by which I crush the burdens ov disbelief and ignorance. they are like vipers, who slash with their beaks the weakness ov the flesh and crippled minds. they are guardians ov my mortality, full ov vitality and beauty at the same time being cruel and merciless to all the enemies. they defend me from the plagues ov the world, cleansing it with its knowledge and purity.]

6. Before Aeons Came

[music by Nergal; lyrics by Ch. Swinburne]

before the beginning of years
there came to the making of man
time, with a gift of tears
grief, with a glass that ran

pleasure, with pain for leaven
summer, with flowers that fell
rememberance fallen from heaven
and madness risen from hell

strength without hands to smite
love that endures for a breath
night the shadow of light
and life the shadow of death

and the high gods took in hand
fire and the falling of tears
and a measure of sliding sand
from under the feet of the years

and froth and drift of the sea
and dust of the laboring earth
and bodies of things to be
in the houses of death and of birth

and wrought with weeping and laughter
and fashioned with loathing and love
with life before and after
and death beneath and above

[these lyrics are extractions from "Atlanta in Calydon" written by Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909 e.v.). English lyric poet, and critic. Swinburne was viewed by his contemporary Victorians as blasphemous and depraved, but now is recognized as one ov the greatest English poets. his main topics were liberty, relations between pain and pleasure and the psychology ov sexual passion. he was pagan and in his sympathies and antitheistic. Swinburne was Crowley's primary poetic influence. the title ov this song is our invention but seems to reflect the idea behind the poem very well.]

7. Mysterium Coniunctionis (Hermanubis)

[music by Nergal; lyrics by Krzysztof Azarewicz]

sounds ov the night
are born from the stillness
censer scent ov the sun
attracts the memories
dark shades - eyes
moths - green pupils
burning echo ov your words
in the heart ov possibility
in extra-real surroundings
there are my passions:
simplicity ov stars
royal Art
alkhemy ov Soul, Body, Word
and I transport
spell ov self-love I weave
and I scream
in the fumes ov antiquity
divine past
in solar room
filled with midnight hour
and midday power
inevitable, immovable
with names witch are Many
with secret meaning:
Koγζ Oμ Pαζ ON Mευω

[background lead: Nergal]

we vibrate light
radiate life
on the path to City ov the Sun
angel calls out:
in mysterium coniunctionis deus est homo
and I understand the Burden
ov this journey:
I know, I will
I dare, and keep silence

[Iam facit ipse deos mittitque ad sidera numen - Manilus, Astron. IV 934]

[this song deals with very personal experiences ov occult nature I can't clearly explain to myself. life seems to be unending initiation into its mysteries and the Four Powers ov the Sphinx are the great and first ov all practical keys which open the gates to the most secret and sacred jewels ov the universe.]

8. XUL

[music and lyrics by Nergal]

the son ov morn
what made me so divine?
I, transcending ecstasy through ecstasy
I who am eternally defined by my Will

[lead: Seth]

behold I am the spawn ov downcast Ariman
awakened, yet am no longer human
kindle me to Thy rapture
as I descend into Sheol

Hiva! hear my call!
transform my flesh into flame
Hiya! hear my cry!
sustain my being in million-fold forms

[background lead: Nergal]

our creed: the living flesh
our law: trespass all the laws
since NUIT is our refuge
and HADIT becomes our light

[lead: Nergal]

all stirs within
tis chaos in and above me
in the world ov nether-nether
"I" infinite space is all-consuming

behold! I am unending!
the conciousness ov "I" shines universally
unbound by wretched dogma
I spew my will forth!
hell is democracy!

[beckground lead: Nergal]

all things exist in me
I believe in naught save myself
my sermon steadfast and proud:
there is nothing but god in me!

all things stir in me
with joy and suffering
my sermon steadfast and proud:
there is nothing but god in me!

[lead: Karl Sanders]

[this peace has a strong Lovecraftian approach to it. the term "XUL" comes from Sumerian, and means "evil". but when you read this backwards it will give you the Latin word "LUX", which is "light". in my code "evil" stands for primal forces, the cosmic beings ov unimaginable powers that influence my life, give it another dimension or different level ov reality. it is so unlimited and hard to be defined or to be labeled but it definitely opens new doors ov perception and make me understand what's hidden behind the wall ov ignorance.]

9. Slaves Shall Serve

[music by Nergal; lyrics by Krzysztof Azarewicz]

Khrevsu tvahyu gradu tore!
Khrevsu kvatro midvhu piedhvro!
Khrevsu Kristo midhvu? vhradro!
Medvro vhtrienn utrah vreghgrho

Father ov Terror!
Aba ol-Hol
enter the pylon
thru' the galleys ov past
catacombs ov night
into the starry womb

slay, slay!
Asar un-Nefer
we have no fear
our time had come
our will is done

dance, dance!
O Mighty One
in the fields ov Aqert
and spit
upon slaves ov death

War God!
trample all weakness
this is your day ov pride
draw Thy flaming sword
cut the umbilical cord
to set me free from eternal sleep

[lead: Seth]

...step by step
Khem: evolution: spiral vibration
can you hear?
can you touch?
can you see?
can you really see?

we charm all jins -
automata, inprinted realities
they creep like snakes
and all we feel
is painful bliss
as we burn forth
like winged globe
like solar disk...
...and penetrate eternity

[lead: Nergal]

Slaves shall serve!
Slaves Shall Serve!
Slaves Shall Serve!
Slaves Shall Fucking Serve!

[the title ov this song is taken from "The Book of the Law". these words invoke powers ov individuality which stands against fear and oppression ov western civilization with all its taboos, fallen religions and political idols, stupid and mad masses - "twisted mob ov Jerusalem". I wrote wrote these verses after my journey across Egypts entirety which I made in April 2004 e.v. but direct inspiration was successful invocation ov God Horus I performed in city ov Cairo on April 8th, exactly 100 years after Crowley received the text ov "The Book of the Law".]

10. The Reign Ov Shemsu-Hor

[music and lyrics by Nergal]

[Chapter I: The forbidden legacy ov a fallen race]


[Chapter II: Invocation ov the watch gods]

O Mighty Watcher!
Thou art all and all art in Thee
free me from mortals
intoxicate with Thy self love
O Mighty Sentinel!
Thou art the concious one
break the monotony ov existence
that I may illuminate!

uncrowned in Tarterean Sulphur
elder than the Memphian kings
Thy reign so timeless and infinite
ever silent watchers, whom mankind yet aches to embrace
grand me Thy Promethean rays
blacker than light...
cunquering lion-headed god
by the name ov Legion dost Thou arrive

[lead: Nergal]

Thou hast seen the prophets in the desert
Thou hast bled for the fallen idols from beyond
prevailing stregth hath made Thee greater
than the god...
from amongst the million dead angels army
Azazel, begotten not ov human race
honour the divinity vision ov victorious sun
open wide your glimmering eyes
bathe in divinity ov loneliness
empowered in self creation
shine inward!
Shemyaza! the profoundest one
spread Thy wings
the desolate one
Thy disease untamed within the sinister self...

O Mighty Watcher!
Thou art all and all art in Thee
free me from mortals
intoxicate with Thy self love
O Mighty Sentinel!
Thou art the concious one
break the monotony ov existence
that I may illuminate!

[lead: Seth]

[Chapter III: The splendorous return]

[background lead: Nergal]

beyond all cowardness!
hast Thou no fear?
spit out the blasphemy!
strive unto sin...

seduce Thyself
o mighty seer!
the ancient voyager
blind me with light

the sleepless ones
in aimless andering
Thou must first fall
to reign in blasphemy...

["The Reign ov Shemsu-Hor" was inspired by Andrew Collins book "From the ashes of the angels. The forbidden legacy of a fallen race", where he reveals that fallen angels were flesh and blood members ov a race predating our own. Shemsu-Hor was a sacred society which existed in Egypt before the ancient Egyptians. it is said thay were the founders ov Egyptian culture, built the Sphinx and other megalithic monuments. Collins finds arguments that Shemsu-Hor were equal to biblical nephilims. culture's anti-heroes and fallen gods have always been very attractive to me and by its rebellious nature close to my own ethics. this is my tribute to the Fallen Ones. musically it is an enormous, three-piece epic voyage through centuries in search for a liberty, beauty and wisdom. I believe I managed to bring the Ancient's breath into that song by exporing some unique eastern guitar scales as well as using really precise orchestrations.]

Jumat, 06 April 2012

lirik purgatory - Beauty Lies Beneath album

ALBUM Name : Beauty Lies Beneath
YEAR : 2006

Record Company : Dragdown Record
LINE UP : L.T.F [guitar], AL [drums & samples], D.I.E [guitar], MAD-MOR [growl-scream], SANDMAN [vocal-scream], D’JACKAL [scratch & keys], BONE [bass].

By; Purgatory

Maggots ate my flesh, Worms spread on my bones
Grain dust in my lungs, Blood shed from my mouth
...I saw death, I saw death…

Sadness and pain, sickness and wounds
All those judgments, questions, no answer, punishment
Denial and hatred, counting on nothing
All those hates, all those rages, all damages, I’ve created

Give me the strength to win this battle
A divine power - I'm gonna dance with the devil
A drowned man can be awaken, a broken man can be healed
Though must swallowed poison, embrace the fear

Free fall… hell awaits…
Gasping the last breath

Give up on YOU, nothing to say
Lay down my heart in YOUR hands on my pray
Give up on YOU, I'd like to say
I still believe that truth will find the way

Weakness and will and strength I need lost in every step
Don't label me a freak, I'm facing my own demon
Brutal, Rebel, ignorance, stubborn, selfish, arrogance, drugs and anarchy
Dead souls out of you and me

Symptom of anger… symptom of hate…
Symptom of wrath… symptom of rage…
Leading a tyrant… leading to dictate…
Feeding your lust, and we shall…
Fight... Force... Fight... I give up on YOU

I might be right… I might be wrong
This futile fight, it takes too long

Will YOU save me… Will YOU save me from myself
Will YOU take me home…


We fight, when you violate your oaths after your covenant Our faith, in the name of GOD we will never retreat Calamity, unstoppable cycle of violence Catastrophe, you started the time of ignorance You feel that you have become the master of your own fate You believe that all your wealth’d be certain immortality Wrong path, trapped inside power, pride, prestige, money and arrogance Judgment day, that times will be the most grievous and most bitter

We will face the judgment day
but voices sneak in through this line,
greed infects some of our souls
the only thing left in your mind is bleeding swords for silver and gold…
in your mind...
in the end all of us will face the judgment day

Can't you stay to realize, for the pain of faith that our fear defies
All the pleasure of life is blinding your eyes
I’m not here for the price, and betray what we fight for

Greed, your spoils of war, your failure
Words, you heard him then obey him
Greed of spoils of war your failure Words,
you heard him then obey him Greed, your spoils of war

Can't you stay to realize, for the pain of faith that our fear defies
All the pleasure of life is blinding your eyes
I won’t deal for the price, and betray what we fight for

We still believe that we'll have more, your greed will be our downfall
This misery won’t stay for long, but greed will be our downfall

Greed will be our downfall


Listen to me, I’m talking to you
Stop thinking about your self and start to pay respect

Listen to me, I’m talking to you
Don’t make anymore mess, stop trying to kill your self

You’ve promised me, I believe in you
Don’t make mistakes
‘Cause no matter what you did, it’s your choice

Hey, take your time
Gotta Diggin’ it, Fillin’ it,
Checkin’ it, drain your soul
Go bless your heart

Hey… Get up… Get up for your life
Don’t you die… Never give up
Don’t you hate… Now get up for your life

Aku bukanlah membenci dan aku takkan tertawa
hanya ingin akhiri semua yang kurasakan
Aku bukanlah membenci dan aku takkan tertawa
hanya ingin lepas bebas

Semua yang telah terjadi adalah isyarat-isyarat untuk kau mengerti
Lihatlah lebih jelas dan pasti, hidupmu jauh lebih berarti dari semua keluhmu

Berhentilah merasa kau lah yang paling tersiksa diantara yang lainnya
Sadarilah, kau pun tahu bahwa sebenarnya kau sudah tidak lagi buta

After all the places you’ve been, all the choices in life you’ve seen
Would you live your life with no despair
For the tears and pain you’ve given, and sins you beg to be forgiven
Believe me, GOD won’t leave you there

By; Purgatory

Oh my GOD please forgive me

I got some pride for loosing my faith
I never got bored in doing sins I hate
I never did all the right things I've said
I didn't have time to pray for my death

I can't take my fall
Let me live once more
Dark... Tide... Blind... Pain...
I'm trapped in my pain
Undo my death, my Almighty GOD
I beg You, let me live...

I once thought “Life would end by the time I die”
Let me live once more
I didn't know how to save my last breath
Let me live once more

I promise I'll keep my life straight
then guide me live through the right path

By; Purgatory

Mungkin aku sudah bosan
dengan s’gala basa-basi

Lifestyle, obsession and damnation
Freewill, prostitution, fornication

Mungkin aku tak peduli
suatu saat akan mati

Dope mine, drug illusion to stratosphere
Angel dust, modern syndrome fantasy

Yeah, to stratosphere… Yeah, fantasy

Some people sold their soul to be damned
to get the grosses up on those fake happiness
Even though life will began after death
Some people sold their soul to be damned

Don't shed any tears for me, too much sins for me to confess
I'm just too dirty to bow-down myself
Put to death in fear or purity

I've tried to escape before
but it seemed temptations blocks my way out forever
I've dried my tears for all my faults
but I still can't stop this sins addiction ever

This body needs to fight the enemy I breed inside
Many things in this life need to be done before I die

Mungkin aku sudah bosan dengan segala basa-basi
Mungkin aku tak peduli suatu saat akan mati

Seharusnya ku berhenti dan tak pernah ingin kembali
Semestinya kupaksakan walau sakit ini takkan hilang

Tolong TUHAN, lepaskan aku
dari semua yang menjauhkanku dari Mu

Tolong TUHAN, izinkan aku
suatu saat mati hanya di jalan Mu

LORDS OF WAR (ahli Naar)By; Purgatory

Don't say you knew but never learn and feel what you see
Don't say you're right but never see and be what you curse

You said you're big, you said you're strong
and nothing's wrong for what you're dealing

You said you're good, you said you're cool
You said you’re fine when you're killing

Lords of war… you put yourself into your hell
Lords of war… you suit yourself for torment of hell
Die... ahli Naar
Rot... ahli Naar

Don't say you're right when you are wrong
You said you're right when you're killing
Don't say you're right when you are wrong
You said you're right when you're killing

People are transgressing beyond their bounds

Drop your bomb… push the button…
Drop your bomb… NOW

It's too late
all that I see you drop your bombs on the children’s playgrounds
by deception you do your war

It's too late
all that I see by deception you do your war
to those without faith is a grievous punishment
It's not about us, we believe in GOD
May GOD forgive us for all our fault

JONAHBy; Purgatory

Just take my hand, and you should never let it go
before you fall too deep cause then you'll never climb up
I just can't understand, how can it be so hard for you
to believe in these words of GOD, you're just too blind to see
So wake up…
I pray for you ,Can't you see?
This is not the way how to live your life ,It goes too insane

Denial and all despise
I can’t take it no more
There'll never be enough strength for me
to hold this pressure down

Your days are getting much too gray
It’s all just another hall of shame
Your time is moving too insane

Human aren't free in living their fate
Not even messengers of GOD
Human aren't free in living their fate
No one’s allowed to escape from…

Fate… If you just feel it
Blind… It's shouldn't be this way

As I leave them blind alone
Caused me sin that I bring along
All the pressure I can't hold on
Let me live alone

No one's allowed to escape from fate

Human are free for keeping their faith
but human aren't free in living their fate

As I leave them blind alone
All the pressure I can't hold on
All it caused me more

Drown... I can't breathe inside this hole
Drown... Forgive me for leaving, GOD
Drown... Please don't leave me all alone
There's no god but Thou
Glory of Thee, I was indeed wrong

By; Purgatory

You burn as many people as you can find ,Don’t even care if it should take your own kind
Desperate to sell lecture against ,Our “so called” best modern civilization
Can only use a piece of faith is suicide ,Dishonorable killing people action
it’s such a genocide,Still you name it sacrifice

War against undefeatable enemy ,It affects more violence inside you
Horror, heroic mass execution ,You kill… You burn…
Slaughter, killing in the name of GOD ,You choose innocent lives to be victims
Terror of martyrs of blood religion ,You burn everything to nothing

To die for a faith is the best way to end a life
To sacrifice, I’m not afraid to give my life for a better one
‘Cause in return we’ll be given the straightest way to heaven
Those who die in our way, no such human being innocent

Sinners shouldn’t live contagiously ,Sinners should never take control
Sinners should never multiply ,Sinners should be ended in misery

We fight to remove your errors,We fight for what we meant to be
Warriors of GOD’s execution,Terminate all our enemy

Terror talks about GOD - Sinners spread too strong
Terror looks for crowd - Sinners laugh too loud
Terror takes some blood - Sinners avenge too strong
Terror shed more blood - Sinners blame us all

War of possessions, the victim is religion between suicidal terror and disgraceful impious

You won’t see through the line before you clear your mind
between suicidal terror and Jihad fi sabilillah
You won’t see through the line before you clear your mind
then you’ll see how precious is your life that GOD had been given

Then which favors of GOD will you deny ,As mercy and grace control universe
Then which favors of GOD will you deny ,As everything was made in pairs for balance
Then which favors of GOD will you deny ,As lights always given after darkness
Then which favors of GOD will you deny ,As sins are revealed for us to be avoided
Not to twist the words of Jihad fi sabilillah ,GOD will judge for those who do destruction
Not to jeopardize the lives of human kindGOD will judge for those who waste their own lives
It’s not that easy to reach heaven of the afterlife
GOD decides for what we all had been done
Learn the truth of Jihad fi sabilillah

By ; Purgatory

May GOD forgive for all misguidance and our sins
May GOD forgive for our lies, greed and deceptions
May GOD forgive for all heresy and blasphemy
May GOD forgive from our fake, deceit and hypocrite

May GOD shield me from pleasing temptations
Forgive disadvantageous actions For all poisons and lust addiction
Errors of heart and mind infection

Born as the best creature Live eat and sleep, sex and greed
Fail as the worst creature Dead timeless agony

Government …Freaks Corruption …Leaks Conscious will …Weak Mass murder …Speaks
It's all up to you, the choices always free We're all have our fate,
but don't you feel desperate
You think you can fly, but you better not try
You think you can disappear, someday we'll face our fear
It's all up to you, what you’re going to be
We're all have our fate, but don't you fell neglected
The storm's coming to you, the clouds would bring misery
Anything would kill, then we're all gonna pay ERROR… ERROR…!!!

We will die, and that’s for sure
We just don't know when, where and how Izro’il works
We believe in our God… will never break any the promise that ever made

Fathers rape daughters what are we going to be?!
Mothers kill babies what are we going to be?!
Children kill parents what are we going to be?!
Brothers kill each other what are we going to be?!
Obscenity Animal Heartless behavior Self control becomes Violence Freak show
Oh GOD, forgive us if we forget or fall into error

FRAUDBy; Purgatory

You don't have any guts, couldn't look me in the eye
I know you, Fraud !!
Too much pride, every word you say drags you to hell
Satan’s dwell, everything you sell
Now you call me "Martyr Freak"
Well I don't mind, suck on my face…
I don't care… you, suck on my face, I don't care…

This is your life… This is your dream
This is your world… All of your games

This is your world… These are your sins
Those are your fakes… All these are lies to me

Lie to me… you really got my anger
Lie to me… you make me pull the trigger
Lie to me… I don't wanna be no murder
Lie to me...

That's your lecture… That's your sermon
Demon's dancing on your bullshit prayers

Lie to me… you really got my temper
Lie to me… you make me pull the trigger
Lie to me… you twist the words of a prophet
Lie to me…

I wanna fight if you want to take my soul away from me
I won't give up until one of us can just walk away

Believe in you?
Have you lost your mind? Have you lost your soul?
I don’t believe in you
You’ve lost your mind, You’ve lost your soul

Warn you before the end of time
Listen, before GOD seals your hearts

Lies, your, life, get off of my sight
Fraud, liar... Worship a wrong God
Fraud, liar... value your own life
Futile... !!

I've been waiting for so long…

...AND ALL FATE IS TO DIEBy; Purgatory

Conviction enabled Ibrahim to wade into the fire
Conviction is an intoxicant, which makes man self-sacrificing
Know you, o victims of modern civilization
Lack of conviction is worse than slavery

Don’t you walk away
Fight – for the sake of your own lives
From clues that leads your way
Fight – for the sake of the next world
Don’t you burst your fate
Die – for the sake of your own lives
For such a pleasing wealth
Die – for the sake of the next world

Conviction enabled Ismail decapitated by his father
Conviction is an intoxicant, which makes man self-sacrificing
Know you, o victims of ancient cultures civilization
Lack of conviction is worse than jahiliah

Don’t you dare to think that in each every moment of your life
GOD only give you 1 or 2 fates, there are millions!!
You will never know what the best is if you are out of guts, lack of faith,
Which is the best choice that focus to what life is for… obvious to die!!

Never say that you’re not able to choose your fate
With conscious of your faith
Never say that GOD would only give you nothing
But the worse of your fates

lirik deadsquad - horor vision album


keputus asaan yang bernyawa
kami kloni yang memilih peran sebagai sampah
dalam drama kehidupan (yang) mengecewaka
(membuka) pintu dimensi keterasingan
dalam perspektif kecemasan
rotasi sangsara berputar
detik ini terasa kelam... menyedihkan
jasad bernafas (yang) terbuang (dan) terlupakan
tengik aroma amis sperma
lusuh penuh ludah dan noda
kuputuskan menyerah
pada dunia yang kupuja
(dunia) fana merangkul indah

pejamuan tanpa akhir
tertuang dalam cawang tak bertuan
terapi mengobati luka
dunia (terus) berputar (dan) kami tertinggal
berserikat dalam malam pekat
mentranfusi luka di antara tawa
memecah kesunyian yang mencekik
alam bawah sadar selamat tinggal dunia
luka menganga kami bernafaskan kebencian


langit cakrawala lambat laum menghitam, iringi harapan yang sirna
terkutuk berpijak pada tanah berpihak terbelenggu aturan dan sistem yang menindas, melumpuhkan kehendak
terpuruk (dalam) budaya tata karma dan sopan santun membusuk
parodi satir.. mengemis mimpi.. damai temporer hanya ilusi

bunuh dan tikam
mengasah kultur belati
pawai rayakan nyeri
nurani terampas paksa.. terpekosa pasrah sekarat
fajar keagungan mata pisau
hening terkoyak dendam memerah pekat
menyambut hangat ajal (yang) berbisik memanggil pasti
panorama alam baka terbuka
kematian berkilau menyilaukan
supremasi tirani yang berkuasa menyodomi hukum (yang terjangkit) impotensi
abstrak.. bias..

bunuh / dan tikam
mengasah kultur belati
pawai rayakan nyeri

insting membunuh untuk semua umur
iblis untuk hari ini, monster masa depan suram


abnegation og abration in hate
word came fall short, silence can see
the unseen regret on a waisted faith phenomenin
approachment rejected by shattered lies...
disagreement explaod
anger thought made
disagreement exploud
horror viosions they made from exhausted reserve ammunition scream turn to silence tearing what goes on bleed the scar. bleed the scar of it self drown with the sadness reflected the unseparation flames unseparation flames and it will burn THE ANGER....!!! face the demon horror atack disnatle duckin head from the world you will npt survive from the anger psychotic rage beneath all fuckin rage power absolute defiance we will obliterate you


tradisi usang mengapa tetap (kau pertahankan?) sebar (sampah) kebodohan otak miskin logika ibadah bias satu arah bakar semua doktrin membusuk (ajaran) tanda tanya mewariskan kesesatan.. menghantui (dengan) kecemasan gadaikan diri demi surga utopia ku pandang rendah tuhan lemak yang kau bela otakmu terpaku dogma usang yang membellenggu.. siklus kehampaan doa untuk ketiadaan menodai altar replika lumur darah pekat semsamamu jilati penuh safu ayat dalam kita alpa tuhan   rumah tuhan terbakar bara api kebencian sabar benih dendam sejak dini pada janin jemaat buta arah reproduksi kedengkian yang tersalurkan lewat perbaikan moral memuaskan pembelaan bodoh sia sia


ciptakan budak kekhawatiran sirkulasi kecemasan berputar diam lemah tak berdaya tersumpal dogma penuh kepalsuan refleksi keimanan yang semakin instan syair ayat sumbang di kumandangkan untuk memuja apa yang biasa disana khotbah di atas mimbar bersana lucifer parade laskar binatang manufaktur replika baptis paksakan sebuah harga mati tangga menuju surga sogokkan yang kita terima jiwa yang terikat rantai pertanyaan melangkah patah dan tertinggal terpenjara tanpa terali wajah baru perbudakan memelihara kemunafikan kepalsuan menikam... api neraka yang samar bernafaskan kecemasan... nilai sakral semakin terbelakang ciptakan harmonisasi paduan suara duka... nada suram yang pergema kebesaran semu yang terpancar dari mata hitam yang tak bersinar   ciptakan budak kekhwatiran sirkulasi kecemasam berputar diam lemah tak berdaya tersumpal dogma pernuh kepalsuan sirkulasi kecemasan mata rantai pertanyaan


mata hati telah binasa terkikis dengki dalam jiwa terbuai fatamorgana surgana... rasuki hamba pecandu pahala pasukan mati rasa moralitas tanda tanya kebodohan yang bertahta gelap mata... definisikan dosa... arogansi berbalut doa menyerapah wajah malaikat biru lebam terkapar mengemis sekeping surga yang melayang terjarah serdadu tuhan sang bayi kecil yang malang penuh ambisi ciptakan neraka dunia   terimalah (persembahan) darah dan duka untukmu yang maha lemah tersudut dan teraniaya oleh kepercayaan yang buta keimanan yang cacat nilai kesucian yang laknat   penuh ambisi ciptakan neraka dunia pasukan mati rasa moralitas tanda tanya kebodohan yang bertahta


wrath insidemy hate hatred in my souls is becoming a evil living in fear. trapped in dismay. breathing in mental enslavement another pray for nothingness and worship for emptiness there's no salvation you savior is gone death by your own words living in fear. trapped in dismay. breathing in mental enslavement another pray for nothingness and worship for emptiness refract the fact   despire. i despise the way that you rule defy. i defy your fuckin wisdom despair. we always live in despair creating a vision of delusion mental pacifist inherit the desease an excessive homage despair deceit despair in fear despair in lies